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"What is sea glass?" by June Kim

Sea glass refers to the small pieces of glass that are typically found on beaches along seas, oceans, and rivers. It comes from discarded bottles, tableware, or household items, weathered physically and chemically due to the constant tumbling action of waves over an extended period of time. Sea glasses reflect an intersection between human activity and Earth’s natural processes. Unlike other precious gems such as diamonds, rubies, and sapphires, which are mined from the Earth and then refined by man, sea glasses are unique, as they are created by man and then refined by nature - “reverse gemstones”. Sea glass starts from old bottles, jars, broken dishware, or even tail lights from old cars, which are taken away by the currents. As the glass stays close to the shore and travels back and forth into and out of the ocean with the rocks and sand for 30 to 50 years, rocks and sand smooth the glass edges. They turn the waste pieces into something beautiful. Another reason sea glasses are unique is that the evolution of mere glasses into something beautiful takes at least a few decades to tumble around and smooth its sharp edges in the sand. Some pieces of sea glass are estimated to be hundreds of years old. This explains why artificial sea glasses don’t have the same appeal as authentic sea glasses. Although they may look shiny and beautiful, they look too “new”, with perfect shapes, without the same mysterious allure that the authentic sea glasses have. On the other hand, authentic sea glasses may not be as shiny and clear, yet the natural look and feel with a more weathered shape that has been made over an extensive period of time with natural processes. Moreover, sea glasses also carry a message about environmental conservation. The sea glasses, which are made from discarded objects, reflect the times when oceans were used as dumping grounds. While its transformation into something special and beautiful reminds of the Earth’s resilience and beauty, we are also reminded of the need to protect our oceans to ensure this resilient Earth to remain as beautiful place. In conclusion, sea glasses are more than just glass pieces. It symbolizes the interplay between human activities and the Earth’s natural processes. It also carries history, culture, and an environmental message, captivating people’s hearts with its unique beauty.


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