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"We have to realize the importance of these endangered species" by Ryan Lee

The gradual increase in the planet's surface temperature is known as global warming. Although this warming trend has been around for a while, burning fossil fuels has dramatically accelerated its pace over the past century. The amount of fossil fuels burned has increased along with the size of the human population. Burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas results in the "greenhouse effect," which affects the atmosphere of Earth. The greenhouse effect is when heat from the Sun's rays enters the atmosphere but cannot escape back into space when it's reflected off a surface. Fossil fuel combustion results in gases, which prevent heat from escaping the atmosphere. These greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, water vapor, and chlorofluorocarbons.

World warming, often known as excess heat in the atmosphere, is the gradual increase in the average global temperature. Changes in global weather patterns and growing seasons are referred to as climate change. It also refers to the rise in sea level brought on by melting ice sheets and glaciers and the expansion of warmer oceans. Climate change brought on by global warming poses a severe threat to life on Earth in the form of catastrophic weather events and extensive flooding. Scientists are still researching global warming and how it affects the planet. Recently many companies have been trying their best not to use plastic to prevent Earth's climate from worsening. You can do the same by using less plastic for example, you can bring your grocery bag and not buy the plastic bags they sell at grocery stores. "We have a single mission: to protect and hand on the planet to the next generation." – Francois Hollande

(Photo: Nasa Climate Change)


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