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"We have to realize the importance of these endangered species" by Ryan Lee

Our earth is packed with all kinds of lifeforms that sustain each other. But when one species becomes endangered and extinct the whole ecosystem of that area will eventually vanish. A missing species is just like a puzzle piece that can never be found so the puzzle will never be completed. At least 900 species have gone extinct in the last five years. If this chain of despondence progress all living things on earth will vanish one after another. But that’s not the only flaw of endangered species. There are endless possibilities of these endangered species becoming beneficial to humanity.

For example, most of the drug-producing families contain endangered species never previously studied for their utility to human health. Diplostephium rhododendroides Hieron is an endangered plant that is found in Ecuador. A group of highly complex glycosides active against hepatitis C virus and a separate group of natural products active against confirmed targets for the control of diabetes mellitus were found in this plant. The extinction of similar plants like the D. rhododendroides Heron would have taken away great opportunities to find cures for incurable diseases. The longer we wait to save these endangered species the more opportunities we miss.

We humans have to realize the importance of these endangered species, we need to make sure that they are protected. There are multiple ways for you to slowly help these species. From donating to growing native plants, you can help these species recover and let them thrive again on the planet we call home.


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