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"Support from all over the world towards Ukraine" by Suejin Oh

By Suejin Oh, Pittsburgh.

Russian bombardment damaged the Kharkiv city hall building in Ukraine, causing casualties, and in Kiiu, a TV tower was destroyed, which paralyzed state television. As more and more civilians lose their lives, there are concerns that more casualties (those who are killed or injured) will occur in the future.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a statement that the Russian attack was "an act of destroying us and destroying our resistance." While Russia, which started the war, is criticized by the international community, there is a movement to support and support Ukraine from around the world.

The number of Ukrainian refugees who have lost their homes and are heading to other countries due to bombing (throwing and destroying bombs) is on the rise. The Ukrainian people mainly choose Poland, which has a border, but Poland is receiving attention because it does not reject refugees, but actively accepts them and lends a helping hand.

(Photo from JapanTimes)

Cultural and sports circles support Ukraine by boycotting Russia. The International Football Federation (FIFA) recently implemented a measure that prohibits the use of Russia's national name, flag, and national anthem in international competitions.

Carnegie Hall, New York, USA excluded Russian conductors and pianists from the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra performance. The New York Times analyzed that the reason they were excluded from the show was that the pair had always been supporters of Russian President Vladimir Putin and supported him. It is interpreted that the measure reflects the international community's critical opinion on Russia.


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