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"Seawater Farming" by June Kim

Saltwater farming is an approach to sustainable agriculture that harnesses the power of the ocean to grow crops and produce seafood. Seawater farming employs innovative techniques using salt-tolerant plants capable of thriving in high-salinity environments. This method involves either the direct application of seawater or the use of high-salinity by-products resulting from desalination processes. Such systems are designed to enable crops to absorb essential seawater nutrients while removing harmful trace elements. Additionally, some seawater farming setups are mobile; they can be relocated to various sites, enabling the reuse of nutrients. By mimicking natural ecosystems, it enhances the sustainability and efficiency of agricultural practices near the sea.


One of the key advantages of saltwater farming is its ability to address the growing global demand for food while minimizing the strain on land and freshwater resources. Moreover, research has shown that seawater prevents powdery mildew fungal activity, potentially reducing the use of disinfectants and thereby reducing water pollution. Saltwater farming provides an opportunity to diversify the food supply and promote food security globally. However, seawater farming also presents challenges: high salinity can inhibit or kill plants not adapted to saline conditions, limiting the choice of crops for agriculture. Moreover, even if the crops are salt tolerant to some extent, crop growth may be inhibited, according to a study that proved the relationship between seawater and growth hormone auxin reduction, ultimately leading to a reduction in agricultural yield. Continuous use of seawater can lead to soil salinization, damaging soil health and fertility. The desalination process requires significant energy and costs, as does developing and maintaining salt-tolerant crops. Additionally, there can be impacts on marine ecosystems, including habitat changes.


There are several innovative startups for sustainable agriculture and aquaculture. For example, Agrisea, a U.S.-based startup, is pioneering a novel approach to rice cultivation in saline environments. By developing a cellular cycle that distributes the effects of saltwater across multiple rice genes, Agrisea enhances the plant's salt tolerance. This genetic adjustment allows rice to better adapt to seawater environments, offering a promising solution to combat freshwater shortages. This innovation secures rice production against environmental challenges such as fires, droughts, and floods. Another example is a French startup, Agriloops, which is revolutionizing the way seafood is produced and delivered. Addressing the issues associated with traditional seafood supply chains, such as extensive transportation and requiring freezing that often degrades product quality and taste, Agriloops employs an aquaponics system. This system allows for the cultivation of marine species and vegetables in a shared saltwater environment at the same time, facilitating an exchange of nutrients between the systems, thereby reducing the need for additional fertilization. This approach enhances the sustainability of urban seafood production and eliminates the need for freezing and extensive transportation.


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