Some people wonder how Fiji Water keeps its company sustainable. Don’t they use plastic bottles? The Fiji company argues that the shape of the bottle helps them employ 10% fewer shipping containers and that the company makes its own bottles, meaning that there is less shipping of materials between different companies. Although they use plastic bottles, these factors make the company more sustainable than other plastic bottled companies. Moreover, the company has switched to rPET not solely to decrease plastic materials, but also to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Whenever the customers of Fiji Water recycle the bottle, the carbon footprint created by a bottle would minimize by over 30%.
On top of that, there are a few reasons why Fiji Water uses plastic bottles. It helps the company keep the quality of the water - not breaking the bottle and minimizing accidents. Also, with the special technology, the bottle protects against oxygen migration and CO2 which can change the taste.
The company of Fuji Water is recognized as one of the most sustainable companies in the field of water. Fiji has a longstanding commitment to environmental sustainability, consistently establishing various plans to change its use of plastic. Furthermore, the company follows a strict NWVL Environment Policy while keeping the company at a persistent level of production.
