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"Child Neglect: A Silent Epidemic Destroying Thousands of Children" by Yeji Sim

Neglect is a form of abuse often overshadowed by more visible acts of violence. It is often overlooked and underestimated just by the fact that its effects are invisible. As much as it is hidden and hard to discover, it becomes a vital pervasive issue that needs urgent attention. Child neglect occurs when the caregiver of a child does not provide for the basic needs of the child, such as food, shelter, healthcare, and emotional support. Neglect leads to profound physical, emotional, and cognitive consequences that influence the child even through adulthood and onwards. This essay aims to raise awareness about the critical issue of neglect, shedding light on its profound impact and initiating a debate on how society can combat this silent epidemic.

Many children that suffer neglect are often unspoken and resulting in a higher possibility of developing psychological disorders with poor socio-emotional health. Some common illnesses children may be prone to from childhood or develop later as they enter adulthood are low self-esteem, depression, attachment issues, social anxiety, and so much more. Neglect not only affects children’s emotional well-being but also their physical health. It may lead to children’s stunted growth, malnutrition, chronic health issues, and weakened immune systems, as caregivers do not provide adequate care to grow a healthy individual. Neglect can hinder cognitive development, impairing learning abilities and intellectual growth. These effects can have a profound impact on an individual's overall well-being, hindering their potential and perpetuating a cycle of neglect across generations.

Recently, there was a case of child neglect in South Korea involving a boy who passed away due to severe neglect by his stepmother. Being just 12 years old at the stage of his death, the body was discovered with bruises all over his body. The heartbreaking part of this case was in the child's diary, which recorded unbearable neglect and abuse. Despite being the victim, the diary showed evidence that the child consistently blamed himself for his pain and his stepmother's anger. Eventually, the stepmother was arrested, although she repeatedly justified her actions and refused to accept that she had abused her child. This case is a tragic example of the long-lasting impact of child abuse and the psychological suffering it inflicts upon its victims.

To effectively combat neglect and to reduce the number of children going through such a traumatic experience, it is essential to understand its causes. Poverty, the mental health of the caregiver, and social isolation often contribute to neglect. The lack of awareness and inadequate support systems, especially since it is such a hidden issue, further perpetuate neglect. By identifying these causes, we can develop targeted, pre-interventions to address the issue and break the cycle of neglect. Preventing neglect also requires establishing support systems that promote awareness, education, early interventions, and more. Society must prioritise providing the basic and staple needs of all households, and focus on equipping children with knowledge about their rights and available resources to empower them to seek help and identify and escape their situations.

In conclusion, by understanding these root causes and consequences of neglect, we, as a society, can actively work towards preventing this silent epidemic. Building strong support systems, prioritising education and advocacy, and fostering collaborative efforts are essential steps in ensuring the well-being of children across all stages of life. Together, we can create a society that nurtures, values, and protect each and every child, and secure the safe living of our future generations.


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