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"Apple aims to use more recycled products" by E. Jung

(photo: iDownload Blog)

Apple has recently announced that it aims to use more recycled content in its products. It has been the first achiever in recycling and sourcing materials to help become a more sustainable company. Moreover, Apple revealed its newest recycling innovation called Taz - a machine that utilizes an approach to improve material recovery from old electronics recycling. Additionally, the company is trying to eliminate plastics by 2025; just 4 percent of plastics were used in packaging in 2021. Since 2015, it has minimized its plastic packaging use by 75 percent. With these movements of willingness to change the world to become more sustainable, many monopoly companies should try to aim for more goals related to eco-friendly processes.

On top of that, Apple has recently released the 2022 Environmental Progress Report which underscores the company’s massive work to become carbon neutral across its global supply production - as well as stimulating the safer use of materials in its products. This company has been carbon neutral on a global scale since 2020 and were able to rely on 100 percent renewable ornery to power its offices, stores, and data centers since 2018.

The company, Apple, is always trying to share new ways for customers globally to explore the beauty of the natural world and to help understand the ongoing issue that communities are encountering due to climate change.


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