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"A long way to go South Africa's 'Freedom Day'" by HS Bang

By Hyunsung Bang, Seoul.

In South Africa, April 27 is a public holiday known as Freedom Day. In 1994, South Africa's first democratic elections were held to elect Nelson Mandela, the first black president in history.

The 'Freedom Park' museum in the capital Pretoria commemorates those who fought for freedom against apartheid from the former white regime.

(Photo from

Inside the museum are photographs of freedom fighter Mandela's first vote and black voters queuing for their first vote, the birth of the 1996 Democratic Constitution, and the Bill of Rights that guaranteed black human rights.

In addition, there is a space that presents the dream of renewing the African continent through peace and stability. It is a medium to inform the legitimacy and feat of the historical struggle until the establishment of the black democratic government.

Although the museum has been established, there is still a long way to go. Corruption is not just a problem in South Africa, as seen in the UK, Italy, and the US, where corruption in the procurement of personal protective equipment (PPE) and other health supplies during the coronavirus pandemic (a global pandemic) has occurred.

However, in South Africa has been in power for nearly 30 years, but it is an urgent priority given the declining approval ratings.


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