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Carey Kim

Hi, my name is Carey Kim, and I’m a high school student from Seoul, South Korea. I’m deeply passionate about all forms of writing, as well as spirituality and faith. My ultimate goal is to illuminate the diverse voices and stories from around the world. I hope to use writing as a bridge to unite people across different cultures and beliefs, fostering a sense of global community and empathy.


Jay Kim

Yeonjae (Jay) Kim is an aspiring author from Seoul, South Korea. She loves reading Emily Henry beach reads but can also spend her afternoons devouring three Poirot or Miss Marple mystery books in one sitting. Jay’s ambitions know no bounds as she is dedicated to crafting her own jaw-dropping thriller story that could potentially be pitched to Netflix. She’s never satisfied with the normal K-drama ending—her head clouds up with dozens of what-ifs to make up for the plot. Beneath the girl who loves feel-good, coming-of-age narratives lie exceptional curiosity and an ignited passion for the unexpected twists of events that she’s only found in mystery, science fiction, and horror genres. 


Avy Lee

프로그램 기획


Dear readers,

Welcome to Transcendence, a literary magazine dedicated to exploring the multifaceted dimensions of faith through the power of the written word.
In our modern world, we are often overwhelmed with the commotion of our everyday lives, muffling the silent, ruminating moments. However, faith remains a beacon, guiding us through the unremarkable and the remarkable. It is with this understanding that we have embarked on this journey, creating a space where time slows down and writers and readers alike can escape into the profound and diverse expressions of faith.
Transcendence is born out of a desire to celebrate the multitude of faiths. Whether it is a whispered prayer, a shouted hymn, a moment of doubt, or an epiphany of belief, we believe that every experience of faith is worth sharing, and can be of value to everyone. Our magazine welcomes stories, poems, essays, reflections, and art that delve into the heart of what it means to believe, to question, and most importantly, to find solace in faith.
As you turn the pages of Transcendence, we hope you will find a sense of community and solidarity, and leave feeling satiated or even hungered to discover more. Our goal is to create a publication that not only entertains but also nurtures the soul and provides comfort for each and every individual.
Thank you for joining us on our escapade. Your support and readership mean the world to us, and we are excited to grow together as a community. We invite you to share your thoughts, reactions, and your own stories of faith with us. Together, let us embark on this journey of the celebration and discovery of faith and all of its marvels.

Suhjung Kim, Editor-in-Chief

General Guidelines

Submission Period & Language

We accept submissions year-round, all written in English.

Original Work

We only accept previously unpublished work. Simultaneous submissions are encouraged, but please notify us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.


All submissions should be in a standard font (e.g., Times New Roman, 12 pt), with double-spacing for prose and single-spacing for poetry. Include your name, age, and a brief bio (up to 100 words) in the cover letter.



- Submit up to 3 poems.
- Each poem should be no longer than 2 pages.


- Submit one short story or up to three flash fiction pieces.
- Short stories should be between 1,000 and 5,000 words.
- Flash fiction should be no more than 1,000 words each.


- Submit one essay or up to three shorter pieces.
- Essays should be between 1,000 and 5,000 words.
- Shorter non-fiction pieces should be no more than 1,000 words each.

Creative Non-fiction

- Submit one piece or up to three shorter pieces.
- Length guidelines follow those of the non-fiction category.

Art & Photography

- Submit up to 3 high-resolution images.
- Include a brief description or title for each image.

Submission & Payment

Email Submission

Send your work as an attachment to []. The subject line should include the category of your submission (e.g., “Poetry Submission: [Your Name]”).

If your work has been accepted, please wait six months before submitting new work. If your work has been rejected, please wait three months before submitting again.

Response Time

We aim to respond to all submissions within 8-12 weeks. If you have not heard from us after 12 weeks, feel free to follow up via email.

Rights & Payment

By submitting to Transcendence, you grant us first serial rights to publish your work in print and digital formats. After publication, all rights revert to the author. We request the right to archive your work on our website.

While we would love to pay all contributors, as we are a new, student-run publication, we are currently unable to provide payment.

Additional Information


While our primary focus is on faith, we welcome a broad interpretation of the theme. We encourage submissions that push the boundaries and explore new and innovative perspectives.


We are committed to publishing diverse voices and encourage submissions from writers of all backgrounds, faiths, and experiences.

Respect & Sensitivity

Transcendence does not tolerate racism, discrimination, or any form of hate speech. Submissions containing such content will be rejected immediately. If your work includes potentially sensitive information, we request that you add a trigger warning at the beginning of your piece.

We look forward to reading your work

and thank you for considering Transcendence as a home for your writing.

Warm regards,
The Editorial Team

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