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About Random Musings

How to

Call for Submission

Submissions are now opened! 

We may also close sooner if we reach our maximum capacity of 250 submissions for this month. To ensure submissions are read and voted upon (and eligible for contest awards), we encourage writers to submit their work as early as possible.

It is our privilege to read every submission we receive and it is our duty to respond in some meaningful way to authors who think enough of us to allow us into their worlds as they attempt to give shape to their stories and to their lives. We relish the opportunity to participate in this personal and essential journey of the human voice.

Send it to



Submission Guidelines

Writer Qualifications 

  • High school students from anywhere in the world are eligible to submit.

  • Works must be written in English.

  • Submit a maximum of three pieces across the three genres.

  • We don't accept simultaneous submissions and work that has been published elsewhere. 



  • Poetry with up to 80 lines is eligible.

  • Fiction, creative non-fiction, and non-fiction must be 1,800 words or less, double-spaced.

  • Submissions that exceed limits will not be accepted



  • Do not put your name on the piece, as all work is blind juried.

  • Prose submissions (Creative Nonfiction and Fiction) longer than one page should have the page number inserted at the top (right or left side) of every page, as it helps our readers and editors specify the location for their commentary.

  • Poetry should be formatted flush left unless another format, such as centering, is an integral part of the piece's meaning.

  • We accept submission in .doc, .docx or .rtf formats.

  • We prefer common conventions:

    • Color: Black & white

    • Font Size: 12 pt throughout, including titles

    • Font Type: Times or Times New Roman

    • Margins: 1-inch at the top and bottom, and 1.25 inch at the left and right. One space after periods. There should be no extra returns after paragraphs unless you have a meaningful reason for the extra space.


  • Upload only one piece per submission file; to submit more than one piece, make more than one submission file.

  • If you submit a revision of a piece that has already been returned to you, type the abbreviation (REV), in parentheses, after the title you enter.​

  • There is no fee to submit.

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